Looking good with Premier Foods

Kipling gluten free

“We advise our customers to follow some simple steps to help drive cake sales through best practice merchandising:

– Signpost NPD through best sellers, for example, place Cadbury Amaze Bites next to Cadbury Mini Rolls to capitalise on the strength of the brand name

– Position small cakes such as Mr Kipling Angel Slices at eye level to take advantage of the impulsive nature of cakes

– Pies and tarts, such as Mr Kipling Apple Pies and Bakewell Tarts, are most popular with older shoppers so position these together so that they are easy to find

– As a popular and sought after flavour, position chocolate products together to drive extra sales

– Large cakes are most often planned purchases, so place these at the bottom of the fixture.”

– Jo Agnew, Brand Director, Sweet Treats at Premier Foods.