Raising a cup to conservation

Ecocoffee-cupTHERE seems little doubt that the introduction of the 5p carrier bag charge has made a big change in consumer habits, with figures last year suggesting the use of plastic carrier bags had fallen 80% in Scotland. However, the war against waste continues and attention is turning towards other targets.
As coffee machines become an increasingly popular offering in Scotland’s convenience stores, campaigners have been asking retailers and consumers to consider the impact of disposable plastic cups.
In his recent ‘War on Waste’ series, Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall estimated that 2.5 billion single-use cups per year go to landfill in the UK.
And while cups from brands such as Costa are recyclable, large numbers are still not being properly disposed of by consumers.
So what’s the solution? David McLagan, founder and CEO of Ecoffee Cup, suggests the answer is in encouraging customers towards reusable cups.
“Sadly, within two decades we have become a single-use, plastic society,” he said.
“No-one is apportioning blame and preaching is counterproductive, but like single-use plastic bottles, and more recently, plastic bags, it’s evident that it’s not that hard to change a few little things to help make a big difference. Reusable coffee cups are the way forward.”
Made from biodegradable bamboo fibre and available in a wide range of designs, Ecoffee Cup is available to order from www.ecoff.ee