Choices and confusion

Homecare has had a challenging year with volume flat to declining and value eroding, according to Nik Ganich, brand manager for home care at Procter & Gamble.

Fairy flash cleaning products
And he says this has led retailers to use offers across sizes and variants on all brands which, he says, creates confusion for the consumer as to which brands offer value for money.
He said: “This confusion has led to value erosion of the category with shoppers looking for a less complex choice or simply resorting to the least expensive products within the store.
“We are working with retailers to address these dynamics.
“An important aspect for P&G is simplifying the range and range priorities – to focus on best-selling SKUs within each category.”
P&G sees new product development as critical to the homecare category.
Ganich said that when it introduces new products, P&G always tries to truly change the user experience and pointed to Fairy Autodish Platinum as an example, or to deliver new usage occasions with products such as Flash Magic Eraser or Fairy Powerspray.
He added: “We continue to drive trial and demonstrate the performance of Fairy Auto Dish Wash. Many consumers still pre-rinse their dishes before placing in the dishwasher and are still disappointed with the results.  
“Fairy ADW represents almost 30% of the market and offers superior cleaning, without the need to pre-rinse.”